Casino and online casino list for Ireland

Your choice of casino deposit method is important

By mr-casino on 2014-01-11 17:15:58

Most of the people reading this article at will be first time Irish online casino players and possibly only thinking about it at this moment so the first thing you need to know is which online casino to choose and can help you with that but equally important and often overlooked is your choice of casino deposit method as after all you cannot play at an online casino without depositing some money and the number of casino deposit options can be confusing. The first thing to remember is that a casino deposit is an internet transaction so you need to be sure that the online casino that you have chosen has sufficient security in place to protect your personal data. If you decide to choose one of the online casinos listed at then you can be sure that any data supplied is secure. Unfortunately however online casino deposits are treated differently from normal internet transactions when using some deposit options such as credit cards. It is of course very simple to choose a credit card as your casino deposit method but written into the small print of most credit card agreements is that they will make a charge for any online casino deposit and what is more is that they will consider it to be a cash transaction that attracts interest from the day of the transaction. Of all the casino deposit options therefore using a credit card is probably the worst. The alternative casino deposit options are to use a debit card which is fine and attracts no charges but the only drawback with this casino deposit method could be that it appears on your bank statement which you may prefer not to happen. Another very popular casino deposit method is the use of an e-wallet such as PayPal or Skrill as these also provide instant availability of cash in your online casino account but are invisible to the bank.