We are sometimes accused of making an issue about how to fund an online casino account but for us it is as important an issue as selecting the online casino itself and if you get it wrong it can be expensive. Since the increase in popularity of internet shopping a number of companies have grown up that specialise in online payments and the generic term is e-wallets and one of those which is quite popular in Ireland is Neteller®. Funding your online casino with Neteller is the same as paying any other invoice on the internet and all you need is an account; it is important that the online casino also has an account but if they advertise Neteller as a payment method it is fine. Neteller casino has another advantage as far as playing at an online casino is concerned and that is that they do not give credit and as we always advocate never to play with money that you do not have this is a positive. You either need to have the money in the account in order to pay someone or you need to have set up an arrangement whereby Neteller can withdraw funds from your bank account directly. Funds will be available directly in your online casino account enabling you to play your chosen casino games without delay. Opening an account with Neteller is simple and all you need is an e-mail address and a password and they will take care of the rest. If you play at more than one online casino then Neteller has another advantage in that you do not need to give each online casino any details about your bank account, you simply give it to Neteller and then you only need give the online casinos details of your Neteller account thus restricting the number of entities that possess your details..