Whenever you open an account with an online casino you will need to decide how you intend to make your deposits into your account and by far the most frequently used is a credit card such as Visa but although funding an online casino with Visa might be convenient it is not necessarily the best casino deposit method. Should you choose to use Visa casinos will not make any charge and your money will be available in your account but your card provider is quite different and will almost certainly make two separate charges the first of which is simply because you are dealing with gambling. For reasons we have been unable to work out, hidden in the small print of Visa cards and other credit cards is often that a charge will be made for payments into online casinos and all other forms of online gambling so casinos and Visa do not appear to mix as this charge can be around 2%. The second consideration is that when depositing into your online casino with Visa it is considered a cash transaction in the same way as using your credit card to make a cash withdrawal from an ATM which if you have ever done you will realise triggers interest from the day of the transaction so by the time your bill comes through there are interest charges already. Beware therefore using Visa for casino transactions or any other credit card but if you are not bothered about the charges then go ahead. Other deposit methods such as debit cards (even a Visa debit card) do not carry these charges so are in our opinion a better casino deposit method along with e-wallets of which there are plenty available and even cash over the counter for those online casinos run by companies with high street shops.