Casino and online casino list for Ireland

Credit card casino deposits are not a preferred method

By mr-casino on 2012-07-26 14:19:29

The most frequently used method for paying into an online casino account appears to be a credit card although it is in our opinion not necessarily the best casino deposit method. Credit cards have of course been around for a long time and in fact the original so called credit card was Diners Club which was introduced into America more than 60 years ago but the only credit was the current month as it had to be paid off. Currently the usage of credit cards for online casinos is mostly Visa which was originally Barclycard in Ireland and Mastercard which is also Laser in Ireland but funding your casino with a credit card can be an expensive proposition as most if not all credit card suppliers will place a charge on the transaction simple because it is a credit card casino operation and the same applies to any kind of gambling account. That is unfortunately not the end if it either as because it is a credit card casino transaction that leaves the cash in your casino account immediately it is in effect the same as a cash withdrawal and if you did not know that sort of transaction will attract interest charged to your account from the day of the transaction. All in all online casino deposits with credit cards are a poor deal but if you have no choice it is very convenient. A much preferred method for casino deposits is the debit card or even better in our opinion an e-wallet or for certain online casinos that are attached to high street bookmakers there may be an option to pay cash over the counter into your online casino account. In general therefore we would advise you not to use a credit card for casino deposits even though it may appear to be very convenient.